PBIS in Acadia Parish
Every school has a Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Team. The Team’s purpose is to assist the principal in implementing a school process by suggesting information, strategies, and interventions to be used by the school staff. The PBIS Team members are chosen by the principal or the school staff and may include parents and/or other members of the community. Each school has a designated PBIS Team Leader. Information about the PBIS Process is best acquired by visiting with the school principal, Team Leader, or Team Members.
Team Leader is available on a daily basis to the school and facilitates school team meetings.
Facilitator is a district-level individual with knowledge of basic behavioral principles and strategies and serves as the school’s main contact with the district contact person.
District Contact Person is a district-level individual who coordinates trainings and serves as the liaison between the Louisiana Department of Education, related projects and Facilitators.
Crisis Interventionists are the PBIS Training Facilitators in their assigned schools.
Each of the Acadia Parish Public Schools have implemented Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports.
Acadia Parish requires each PBIS school to submit Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) to the PBS District Contact prior to a scheduled SET and in May of each year.
In May 2009, the Acadia Parish Office of Child Welfare and Attendance Supervisor of that time, Cal Simar, reported that all expulsions for 2008-2009 had decreased by 33 percent, compared to the 2007-2008 school year. For the next three school years (2006-2007, 2007-2008, and 2008-2009), all expulsions decreased by 42 percent.
PBIS Walkthrough Evaluations are planned for all Acadia Parish Schools annually, beginning in the 2012-2013 school year.
SET (The School-Wide Evaluation Tool) A Research Instrument for Assessing Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
Schools throughout the country are now encouraged to implement positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) procedures as a way to improve their behavioral climate, safety, and social culture. Research is needed to determine:
the extent to which schools already use PBIS,
if training and technical assistance efforts result in change in the use of PBIS procedures, and
if use of these procedures is related to valued change in safety, social culture, and behavior within schools.
To address these questions, researchers need a metric for assessing implementation of PBIS practices. The School-Wide Evaluation Tool (SET; Sugai, Lewis-Palmer, Todd, & Horner, 2001) was created to provide a rigorous measure of primary prevention practices within school-wide behavior support. The SET is a valid, reliable measure that can be used to assess the impact of school-wide training and technical assistance efforts. The SET should also be useful in formal analyses of the relationship between use of PBIS and changes in social and academic outcomes.
Interpreting and Summarizing SET Results
The SET produces a summary score and a subscale score for each of the seven feature areas of positive behavioral interventions and supports. The summary SET score is a general index of school-wide implementation, while each of the seven subscale scores provide a specific index of the implementation level for that feature area. Schools scoring 80% on the general index and 80% on the specific index for teaching behavioral expectations are implementing positive behavioral interventions and supports at a universal level and are Louisiana-Positive Behavior Support demonstration sites. A certificate has been mailed from the Louisiana PBIS Coordinator to each school with 80% on the general and specific indexes for their outstanding efforts.
The term, Demonstration Site, is used when a school is recognized by the state department as a site for other schools to observe successful implementation of the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports process.
SET in Acadia
All Acadia Parish Schools have successfully completed SET and are recognized as demonstration sites:
Armstrong Middle
Branch Elementary
Central Rayne Kindergarten
Church Point Elementary
Church Point High
Church Point Middle
Crowley High
Crowley Kindergarten
Crowley Middle
Egan Elementary
Estherwood Elementary
Evangeline Elementary
Iota Elementary
Iota High
Iota Middle
Martin Petitjean Elementary
Mermentau Elementary
Midland High
Mire Elementary
Morse Elementary
North Crowley Elementary
Rayne High
Richard Elementary
Ross Elementary
South Crowley Elementary
South Rayne Elementary